Sunday 16 October 2016

Woman persuades father to give her a lift to a job interview, then robs bank.

A Florida man who drove his daughter to a bank robbery has told authorities he thought he was giving her a lift to a job interview.
The unnamed man told FBI investigators he had assumed his daughter, Chelsea Wilson, had got the job at the bank in Fort Lauderdale and been given a cash advance when she returned to his SUV with a large amount of money.
Instead the 24-year-old, who was wearing a red wig, hat and sunglasses, allegedly walked into the branch of TD Bank and handed the bank clerk a note ordering them to hand over cash.
According to the criminal complaint it said: "You have exactly one minute to give me all your $50 and $100 bills from both drawers or I will shoot you! No dye packs, no alarms follow these instructions and no one will get hurt, act normal."
CCTV footage allegedly shows Wilson sprinting through the car park with the $300 (£246) she managed to steal before getting into a black SUV, the Sun Sentinel reported.
Authorities thought the robberies seemed similar to three previous incidents in the area and when they visited Wilson’s home on Friday she allegedly admitted to it and four other heists.
She said she used the money to buy groceries, according to the report.
Wilson made an appearance in federal court on Friday and was remanded in custody until a further hearing on Wednesday.

The Girl Who Lives In A Bowl.

In Kano in Nigeria, 19 year old Rahma Haruna has lived almost her whole life in unbearable pain after her arms and legs failed to develop properly. Her loving family do their best to move her around, using a plastic bowl. Rahma said "They help me a lot, they give me anything I need" Rahma's younger brother Fahad Ya'u said "I help her in many ways, bathing her is another thing I do and taking her out everyday. I feel happy whenever I see people helping her I like taking her to our relatives, she feels happy when we visit them". Assumedly healthy new born, Rahma's mother, Fadi Haruna, noticed that she was missing key developing milestones "from 6 months when she learnt how to sit that's when it began, she didn't learn how to crawl, she started with a fever and that was it, then stomach pains, she cant use her arms and legs when they ache".
The cause of her condition is not yet known and Rahma's family work tirelessly to find a diagnosis.
Rahma's father, Hussaini Haruna said "I've spent 15 years in search for the cure, I farm, go to the market and lots more looking for work to pay for her bills, I sold all my possessions, I have spent more than one million Naria, so far. Only God knows the real amount of what I spent. We have gone places with her mother looking for medicine". Specialist medical testing is expensive and the family hope to get the attention of a charity, to help give Rahma a better quality of life. Kind gestures
from those who have heard about Rahma in the local press have already made a big difference. Rahma says "I thank God for everything I have, I want to start a business, a grocery store that sells everything, that is all I want"

The new evidence unearthed to reopen investigation into two murdered 11-year-olds found buried alive.

The new evidence which persuaded police to re-open their investigation into the murder of two 11-year-old boys in 1980 includes new witnesses and a potential new suspect.
Best friends John Greenwood and Gary Miller were beaten and buried alive on a rubbish tip in Whiston 36 years ago. The boys were found by a dog walker under a mattress on the site of a disused colliery on Pottery Lane which had been turned into a tip. They both died later in hospital and post mortems revealed they had suffered head injuries. Decades later, the investigation into the deaths has reopened after the Sunday Times unearthed new evidence and new witnesses. John Cheeseman from Prescott, was arrested and charged with the murder of both boys, but was then not found guilty following a trial in 1981 at Liverpool Crown Court.
A confession Mr Cheeseman made to detectives was criticised in the trail because there had been no guardian or lawyer present during the interview. The Sunday Times report a review in 2008 found forensic exhibits, including blood-stained clothing that had been lost or destroyed. The national newspaper also claims to have found a new witness in the case who said Mr Cheeseman turned up at her door on the night of the murders with "what looked like red paint" on his trousers. Another neighbour said three days before the killings Mr Cheeseman appeared at her door angry and distraught and said he would "get the family" back after John's father had complained about him playing on the street with the boys. Chessman denies the murders and the allegations that he had "red paint" on his trousers that night, reports The Sunday Times, The investigation has also claimed to have unearthed allegations of a potential new suspect. the paper reports that a Whiston resident told friends in 1999 she tried to commit suicide because she could no longer live with the guilt of her husband killing the two boys.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Creepy clown craze

Halloween mask

Scary clowns were first reported in the US in August and have quickly spread to the UK, Australia and now Brazil. The craze, in which people dress up in masks and scare members of the public, has received widespread attention with the help of social media.McDonald's did not say how many of its clown's appearances would be cut.Ronald McDonald has not commented on the move."McDonald's and franchisees in local markets are mindful of the current climate around clown sightings in communities and as such are being thoughtful with respect to Ronald McDonald's participation in community events for the time being," a statement said. Ronald McDonald, a pasty-faced, scarlet-wigged clown with an expression of permanent surprise, has been a global icon for the franchise for decades. In August, locals in Greenville, South Carolina reported people dressed in fright wigs and full clown make-up trying to lure children into the woods. Australian police also arrested a 19-year-old for scaring residents. A student dressed as a chainsaw-wielding clown was filmed chasing other students on a UK university campus. He has apologised saying he was "only chasing his friends". Police have increased patrols outside some schools, and asked fancy dress shops to remove clown masks from sale.