Sunday 16 October 2016

The Girl Who Lives In A Bowl.

In Kano in Nigeria, 19 year old Rahma Haruna has lived almost her whole life in unbearable pain after her arms and legs failed to develop properly. Her loving family do their best to move her around, using a plastic bowl. Rahma said "They help me a lot, they give me anything I need" Rahma's younger brother Fahad Ya'u said "I help her in many ways, bathing her is another thing I do and taking her out everyday. I feel happy whenever I see people helping her I like taking her to our relatives, she feels happy when we visit them". Assumedly healthy new born, Rahma's mother, Fadi Haruna, noticed that she was missing key developing milestones "from 6 months when she learnt how to sit that's when it began, she didn't learn how to crawl, she started with a fever and that was it, then stomach pains, she cant use her arms and legs when they ache".
The cause of her condition is not yet known and Rahma's family work tirelessly to find a diagnosis.
Rahma's father, Hussaini Haruna said "I've spent 15 years in search for the cure, I farm, go to the market and lots more looking for work to pay for her bills, I sold all my possessions, I have spent more than one million Naria, so far. Only God knows the real amount of what I spent. We have gone places with her mother looking for medicine". Specialist medical testing is expensive and the family hope to get the attention of a charity, to help give Rahma a better quality of life. Kind gestures
from those who have heard about Rahma in the local press have already made a big difference. Rahma says "I thank God for everything I have, I want to start a business, a grocery store that sells everything, that is all I want"

1 comment:

  1. This is a sad story but a great find Meadow, your task however is to link it to Representation and the catergories that we have on the board. Also by using CCCEO you are not just telling the story it about analysis.
