Wednesday 22 March 2017

B1: Discuss the marketing strategies used by your selected industry. Refer to your 3 main texts.
There are many different marketing strategies used within the film industry, marking is very important as it informs the audience of the film before it is released, and it bumps up the viewing and the profit. With my three main texts, they are marketed very differently, as they have different budgets, for example ‘Weekend’ is a low budget film and there does not have the money to market as widely and broadly as ‘Skyfall’, a higher budgeted film. My three main texts are: ‘Skyfall’, ‘Kingsman’ and ‘Weekend’.
Skyfall and Kingsman as they are bigger budgeted films, they had their trailers shown at the cinema and big posters were displayed everywhere. This boosted the audience’s knowledge of the films and what they entailed. Having more money means they are able to advertise in a wider range for example, Skyfall has books, games and loads of merchandise!! Compared to Weekend which didn’t have its trailer viewed in cinemas and as it is not a film that has fans of the franchise, the audience don’t know what to expect. Films can be marketed in many different ways; the most common way is with a trailer. Weekend, Skyfall and Kingsman all have trailers. Skyfall’s trailer has 25,030,826 views, Kingsman; Secret Service trailer has 14,112,727 views and Weekend has only 252,661, this shows that Skyfall had the most views on its trailer and they had the most audience members going to the cinema to watch their movie.

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